Welcome to The
Rocky Mountain Chapter
Workshops & Events
News and Updates
Rocky Mountain Chapter Workshops & Events
Gunnison-April 18, 2025 Calculations
Montrose-May 2, 2025 Calculations
Grand Junction-May 20, 2025 Calculations
Registration will be available after February 1.
Workshops – 2025
92nd Annual Meeting
We are pleased to announce that the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Chapter of the IAEI will be held Thursday, March 20 and Friday, March 21, 2025.
Registration is now open!
Some of the topics we will be covering this year include: Surge Protective Devices, Hazardous Control Systems, Grounding Separately Derived Systems, Generators, EMS & PCS, Health Care Facilities and updates on the Energy Code.
The meeting will take place at the Delta by Marriot Hotel in Northglenn.
We hope to see you there!!
Office Sensei / Carhartt – Special Offer for Attendees
Free Logo Embrodery! Discounts on Carhartt Merchandise!
After you register, check out this offer from our partner, Office Sensei. Click Here
We will be offering scholarships to next year’s meeting for someone that might be not be financially able to attend or is a rising star in the industry. If you know of someone who you think may be deserving of a scholarship, please send a letter to us stating why you believe this person would benefit from attending this meeting. Recipients will receive a free one-year membership in the Independent Alliance of the Electrical Industry. We have a limited number of scholarships available so let us know as soon as possible. Please use the Contact Us link at the bottom of this page or send a letter to Rocky Mountain IAEI, PO Box 209, Drake, CO, 80515 or Email us directly at IAEI Rocky Mountain Chapter.
If so, you may be eligible for a FREE, 1-year membership in the IAEI. To see if you are eligible, please go to: https://www.iaei.org/page/2021-iaei-student-application
The Rocky Mountain Chapter welcomes you into membership in the Electrical Industry Safety Leader!!
See Our Latest “Did You Know” Blog Post
About The IAEI – Rocky Mountain Chapter
Consumer Safety
The primary concern of the IAEI is consumer safety. Knowing that mishandling electricity can become extremely dangerous, perhaps even fatal, the IAEI and its members are committed to improving design, installation, inspection, and usage of this energy. Education is one of the best methods for improving safety.
The Rocky Mountain Chapter of the IAEI is an organization devoted to education in the electrical field. The purpose is to provide Colorado electricians with the best education possible at a price that is affordable to everyone. The IAEI is a non-profit organization relying on volunteers in the industry that are all dedicated to getting the best instructors available and the most current information included in the seminars.
All of our workshops meet the criteria set by the Colorado Electrical Board for Continuing Education Units.
Colorado Continuing Education
In the license cycle 2020-2023 you will need to complete 24 hours of Continuing Education. This requirement began September 30. 2020. You will need a total of 24 hours of CE over the next three years. Four of those CE hours must be in Code Changes, the other 20 hours can be in the core areas of your choosing.
For information regarding the Colorado State licensing changes and CE requirements, please visit the State Electrical Board’s website at
Northeast Division
Serving the Colorado Counties of:
- Larimer
- Weld
- Morgan
- Washington
- Logan
- Sedgwick
- Phillips
- Yuma
- Kit Carson
- Cheyenne
- Lincoln
For more information, please see our Northeast Division page.
Our Latest Blog Post!
2023 NEC Section 310.12 and Sub-Panels
I was recently asked the question: "Can 2023 NEC Section 310.12 and the corresponding table be used for sub-panels in a dwelling?" This question prompted the following blog, highlighting the most common violation in my experience, associated with Section 310.12. The remainder of this blog is my answer to the question,...
Our Partners & Sponsors
The IAEI Rocky Mountain Chapter would like to say “Thank You” to all of our sponsors who have supported us at our Annual Meetings.
Contact Us
We like hearing from our members, partners and customers. Please let us know if you have questions about membership in the IAEI, workshops or volunteering.