Montrose, CO – Montrose County Fairgrounds
Venue Phone: (970) 252-4358
Venue Website:
Montrose County Fairgrounds and Event Center
We will be meeting in the Friendship Hall at 1001 N 2nd St.
Friendship Hall is a 17,580 square foot building with an occupant load of 1,800 people. This building is used for a diverse array of events including commercial trade shows, private parties, youth sporting activities and community dinners.
The interior of the hall is pine paneling and metal tin with cement floors. The hall has two sets of restrooms, one of which also has available showers. There is easy access to electricity throughout the hall and a recently updated house sound system.
Montrose County Fairgrounds and Event Center hosts a number of shows throughout the year including the Montrose County Fair and Rodeo, the Memorial Day Livestock Jackpot, Montrose Home and Outdoor Show, Flea Markets and many more.