Rocky Mountain Chapter
Our Blog
(The Ohm Zone)
Welcome to Our Blog Page
The Rocky Mountain Chapter of the IAEI welcomes you to our new monthly blog titled “Did You Know“.
Join us each month for a new topic of discussion. These blogs are meant to stimulate our thinking and perhaps introduce us to new sections of the code we are not familiar with. All articles will be archived on this website.
Our thanks to Dustin Behounek for initiating this idea and writing the articles. We welcome your opinions and look forward to your input. You can email any questions to Dustin here.
Did You Know?
2023 NEC Section 310.12 and Sub-Panels
I was recently asked the question: "Can 2023 NEC Section 310.12 and the corresponding table be used for sub-panels in a dwelling?" This question prompted the following blog, highlighting the most common violation in my experience, associated with Section 310.12. The remainder of this blog is my answer to the...
NEC Changes and Adoption
Did you know… NEC Changes and Adoption It is approaching that time again, bikini season, whoops…. Wrong article, NFPA 70 Public Input Stage. Most, if not all of us in the electrical industry are well aware the NEC is revised, then updated every three years for the latest version. This blog will not go into any...
NEC Requires Products and Materials be Listed
Did you know… NEC Requires Products and Materials be Listed Did you know that, although the NEC requires products and materials be listed or field evaluated, not all code articles contain a specific statement requiring listings? In general, most sections you will find an XXX.6 that requires listings or field...
Circuit Breakers and Fused Switches
Did you know… Did you know that there are restrictions to where you can install circuit breakers and fused switches? Those restrictions can be found in article 240.24(A) through (F) of the 2020 NEC. Circuit breakers and fused switches are called overcurrent devices. They need to be readily accessible and installed so...
TIA – Tentative Interim Amendment
Did you know that on December 8, 2021, the NEC issued TIA 20-15 for 406.9(C), exception No. 2? A TIA is a Tentative Interim Amendment to the NEC. These can be found by navigating to Click on Current &...
Did You Know…
Did you know that for the installation of a temporary job-site trailer, you need to refer to several NEC articles? Let’s see how to navigate this. For the temporary installation of a job trailer (manufactured buildings and relocatable structures), one would think you would begin with Article 545. However, the section...