NEC Requires Products and Materials be Listed

NEC Requires Products and Materials be Listed

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NEC Requires Products and Materials be Listed

Dustin Behounek . IAEI Rocky Mountain Chapter InstructorDid you know that, although the NEC requires products and materials be listed or field evaluated, not all code articles contain a specific statement requiring listings? In general, most sections you will find an XXX.6 that requires listings or field evaluations. In 2017, the NEC underwent some more changes to how every article is structured and there was also a push to have an XXX.6 placed in all articles. There was some pushback in certain articles keeping that requirement out. NEC 110.3 (B) and (C) deal generally with who is allowed to ‘List’ or ‘Certify’ a product and how these are to be installed and used. There is an informational note under 110.3(C) that directs attention to OSHA which is the organization that recognizes qualified testing laboratories. The current list of nationally recognized testing laboratories (NRTL’s) is found on the OSHA website at There are currently 21 NRTL’s.

If An Item Is Not Listed

Inspectors, installers, and consumers should always verify that the materials and Inspectors, installers, and consumers should always verify that the materials and equipment installed are listed by an NRTL. IAEI Rocky Mountain installed are listed by an NRTL. If it is found that an item is not listed, it can be field evaluated. There are many field evaluation bodies (FEB’s) that can perform a field evaluation. You can find a list of these at  Once a field evaluation is requested or required the chosen FEB will evaluate the item in the field at its final location or address of installation. When complete, there will be a report made available and a label applied to the item. The report should be sent to the inspector for approval.

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